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An0ther BFBC2 Update

Hashy's picture


there appears t0 be an0ther BFBC2 update. It’s happening n0w.

Steam users sh0uld have it start updating by n0w, n0n steam users like myself can find the patch ( n0t yet f0r me 0ff at

BUT f0rtuately f0r myself, I have 0ne day left in my internet m0nth, and just en0ugh d0wnl0ad all0cati0ns left t0 f0rg0e the wait f0r intern0de t0 setup their mirr0r. =p

Yes, the patch is 2.6 GB


Hashy's picture

Server 0utages f0r next 24h0urs

There will be server 0utages f0r the next 24h0urs starting appr0× 45mins ag0, due t0 the servers being updated.

The patch appears t0 facilitate map pack 7 and the inc0mming BFBC2: Vietnam.

Any0ne g0t any idea h0w Vietnam will distribute? Especially f0r s0meb0dy like me wh0 didn’t buy via steam?

I Think

this patch is for 4 new maps and a patch for the game.
BC2:V should be a separate D/L or disc.
I think it will come out in the middle of December.

Tried out some of the new

Tried out some of the new maps this morning they are fuuuun.

Hashy's picture

Accumulative patches

that’s why the patch is s0 heavy, and I suspect same as why the last 0ne (870MB i think 0r there ab0uts) was s0 unusually large t00. They’re all the previ0us patches r0lled int0 0ne. Will give steam credit where it is due. 4 & a half h0urs till d0wnl0ad c0mpleted. Think ill g0 f0r a ride 0ut 0n the nice muddy trails t0 pass the time =)

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